JIFF Various Projects

2013-2014 / Activity tracker-connected eHealth mobile apps

Background: JIFF, acquired in 2017, was an enterprise mobile health startup reinventing healthcare one employee at a time. Their product portfolio of apps (Challenges, Incentives, and Achievements) are designed to be completely configurable, brand-able set of app and game modules customized for specific customer needs.

Keeping Up with the Joneses Mobile Game

Project: A 1970s themed walking leaderboard challenge. Users wearing activity trackers such as FitBit or Nike Fuelband can sync their steps and compete virtually with other walkers. In the meantime as part of the challenge they must keep up with virtual pacers—the Joneses Family.

Worked on: branding and visual design

JIFF Incentives App

Project: Jiff Incentives App manages an employer’s healthy incentives program by allowing employees to keep track of their healthy to do list, and see how much credit they’re earning towards their Health Savings Account.

Worked on: interaction and visual design for the store, to-do list, and goal setting screens.


Project: My Jiff is an app that deliver health programs with clinical content to help people lose weight, eat well, and stay informed.

Worked on: designing the concept, user experience, interaction, and visual design for the action list dashboard screens.

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